Unique Property Surveys

Public Clients:

  • Land Trust
  • Foundations
  • Municipalities
  • State of Maine
  • Utility Companies
  • Cemeteries
  • Church's

Maine Boundary Consultants’ expertise at preparing award winning Boundary Survey Maps make us an excellent choice for your Unique Property Survey. Our experience and allows us the ability to give your unique property the attention to detail and high quality color drafting it deserves.

Did you just purchase a unique property that you are proud of and want to show off at your office or home? Do you own a unique property that your are selling, and want a unique Boundary Survey Map to facilitate the sale of your property, helping you get the price you deserve? These are just two reasons to have Maine Boundary Consultants perform your Unique Property Survey.

The process of performing a Unique Boundary Survey is similar to a Boundary Survey; however, the field work may be more extensive, showing many physical features. Our RTK GPS unit and Robotic Survey Instrument (see Equipment) helps make collecting hundreds of field measurements in a timely and affordable manner.

As the name suggests, the results of a Unique Property Survey can vary greatly. We can tailor the results to your needs, though generally the results of a Boundary Survey are minimally what is included with a Unique Property Survey.